CREST13 - Centers for the Restitution, Investigation and Education of the Natural Mind

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Peace Garden



Italy-the region is called Puglia, it’s the heel of the Italian boot, deep south, fronting the Ionian Sea and Greece


Greg, Yellow Resonant Sun -
Fiorella, Red Lunar Skywalker - or


English, Italiano, Espanol


Site Structure

Common space is the large kitchen/dining area, pantry, washroom/storeroom, bathroom.

Accomodations: 4 independent living structures (lamie and trullo). All structures are made from the local limestone. There is also a teepee. Plenty of room to set up tents.

Land Size

2.5 hectares covered with olives, cherries, walnuts, figs, pears, apples, almonds; several large garden areas for the vegetables; 2 vineyards.

Number of permanent kin residing


Details for visitors

Every Earth Wizard who comes participates in the life and activities of the Peace Garden for a minimum of a wavespell: the social organization is based on the Earth Families. We encourage kin to remain within the Garden for the first wavespell; that way, they become extremely aware of the differences of the 12:60 and 13:20 frequencies and their effects on the mind. Afterwards, they can do otherwise if they so choose. To encourage personal responsibility, help abundance flourish and to be able to purchase what still needs to be acquired for the maintenance of whoever stays here, each person offers to the Garden what they think it would cost them to be away from home for a wavespell. This offering is made at the beginning of each 13 day period. Since the founders are also therapists utilizing various healing techniques, many people arrive only for treatment: these generally pay a fee for residence and for treatment sessions. The Peace Garden is also a member of WWOOF; wwoofers come for various periods of time and stay in exchange for working and learning organic gardening techniques such as permaculture, biodynamics, etc.


Upcoming purchases are an energy bank replenished by solar panels and a wind generator which will be put on the market shortly. A large cistern for irrigation (beyond the water collection system used for all household purposes) is planned; this will be a major expense. Since we have kin from all over the world arriving here, 13 Moon information in any language is a big help: synchronometers, books, didactic information of all kinds. All generous donations, gifts and offerings are blessed and welcome but every talent the kin bring to the Garden is sure to be put to good use; smithing, stoneworking and carpentry in particular but all forms of art from gardening to basketweaving have their place here.

Daily Practices

Synchronic Order, mindfulness training, cubing and Rainbow Bridge meditation, synchronotron and holomind perceiver, subliminal photography, various forms of yoga, dance and movement, purification and energy balancing techniques, craniosacral balancing.

General Overview and comments

In the Garden, much attention is given to healing techniques and interpersonal dynamics as evolutionary growth processes. The Garden project is accompanied and supported by the sea-going Informational Caravan aboard the sailboat “13 Moons”.





Wide photo of the garden

2nd Lamia almost finished

2nd Lamia window

Picking veggies

Garden guardian Kali


Lamia - Meditation hall

New Lamia


Garden Trullo

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