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Jardin de Paz - Colliguay, Chile

AntukelenUpdated 16 Nov 2011


Chile, Quilpué commune, 5th Valparaiso Region, town of Colliguay.


Josefina Santa Cruz -
Luis Bezares, Seva Singh -


Spanish, French, some English



Site Structure

The main house:
- A bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, toilet ecological dry;
- A workshop;
- A warehouse.

For lodging:
- A building with additional bedroom accommodation for three people.

Land Size

1 hectare.

Number of permanent kin residing

Two kin:
Josefina Santa Cruz, Blue Spectral Hand
Luis Bezares-Seva Singh, White Lunar Mirror.

Details for visitors

Payment of $10.000 Pesos Chilenos per day for the stay Chilean food, accommodation, study, practice Synchronotron daily, Kundalini Yoga and Yoga Synchrogaláctico. Possibility of exchange for work.

Length of stay: The kin can stay for a heptad, a Wavespell or moon.


The Garden of Peace requires the presence of kin to assist in working with fruit trees, garden, flowers, plants and herbs in tasks such as weeding, watering, planting or harvesting. We also need to stock up on firewood. Finally, we need people with skills in carpentry and construction.

Daily Practices

Synchronic Order Practices, Synchrogalactic Yoga, Synchronotron, Kundalini Yoga, advanced study of the Cosmic History Chronicles.


General Overview and comments

The Peace Garden Colliguay and has worked for more than 3 years in a continuous and sustainable manner. We have received numerous kin who have come from different places in Chile to practice, study and work. On the other hand, we also received people attracted by the lifestyle 13:20, who come to connect with nature and with the place, and have participated in our daily practices, receiving preliminary information on the Law of Time and its Galactic Signature. Our desire is to receive kin coming from the northern hemisphere and from other continents, North America, Europe or Australia.





The Peace Garden Colliguay - who suffered the effects of the earthquake of Self-Existing Seed Year (27 February 2010) - was rebuilt thanks to the contribution of people of good will a new kitchen-dining room and a new bathroom.

In the last two years, the Peace Garden has received kin who have come to share the study and practice of the synchronic order: Synchronotron, practices of Kundalini Yoga and Synchrogalactic Yoga, Natural Mind Meditation, Meditation Noosphere texts Cosmic History, but also the daily work on the land, maintenance of fruit trees, plants and flowers. An important milestone for the Garden was the coming of the Magnetic Human and Electric Wind, both young Chilean students. Magnetic Human is a young musician, concert piano, which he studied in Vienna, Austria. After his Peace Garden visit, performs concerts under the banner of Peace as a backdrop and wearing T-shirts with the circumpolar rainbow. Both kin became Synchronotron advanced practitioners!

We have also built a workshop to work with the products we produce in the garden to get an influx of money. These are therapeutic products based on herbs and essential oils.

A great contribution has been the acquisition of a solar dryer, which has allowed us to dry fruit and vegetables to preserve, as well as plants and flowers.

Also, we have dedicated ourselves to hard work in the production of visual materials, supporting Santiago Rap constantly giving lectures and workshops and organizing the events of Day Out of Time. We are also part of Mertxe support team, kin 259, of Spain, in the review of CHC into Spanish.


From November 2011

1 & 2: Jardín de Paz de Colliguay
 Kin 167 + kin 158 = kin 65, Cosmic Serpent

From the Dynamics of Time, 5.13: Evolution of planetary bodies from biosphere to noosphere are holonomic functions of stellar evolution. The synchronization of planetary noosphere with stellar evolutionary programming marks the advent of the next geological era, the Psychozoic. The Psychozoic Era is defined as the normative sequence of the evolution of the hyperorganic super conscious of a telepathically unified noosphere.

Jardin de PazJardin de Paz

3 & 4: Construction of Jardín de Paz

Reconstrucción del Jardín de Paz Reconstrucción del Jardín de Paz

5, 6, 7: Construction of Workshop for the manufacture of "Aromas of Colliguay"

Construcción del Taller para la fabricación de productos “Aromas de Colliguay"Construcción del Taller para la fabricación de productos “Aromas de Colliguay"

Construcción del Taller para la fabricación de productos “Aromas de Colliguay"

8 & 9: Solar dehydrators - Harvest

Secador SolarCosecha

10 & 11: Kin, practice and study

Kines, prácticas y estudio

Kines, prácticas y estudio

12 y 13: Synchronotron Seminar/Talks in Colliguay & Day out of Time

Seminario Synchronotron en Colliguay / Charlas y Día Fuera del Tiempo  Seminario Synchronotron en Colliguay / Charlas y Día Fuera del Tiempo


Antecedentes sobre la localidad de Colliguay

Colliguay es una localidad rural de la ‘Cordillera de la Costa’ de Chile. Es un valle en alturas y se le conoce como ‘el Valle Escondido de Colliguay’. Aquí viven aproximadamente unas 800 personas y es un valle que tiene mucho bosque nativo.

Está a mitad de camino entre Santiago, la capital de Chile y el puerto de Valparaíso, perteneciendo la localidad de Colliguay a la comuna de Quilpué en la Región de Valparaíso, en las coordenadas:
33º 11’52.60’’ SUR y 71º 05’29.80’’ OESTE (coordenadas sacadas de Google Earth).



El cerro ‘Guardián’ de Colliguay, se llama Cerro La Chapa.
Aquí lo vemos desde nuestro Jardín de Paz.

Se sabe que en la antigüedad en este lugar estuvieron los Incas del Perú, buscando oro. La voz popular dice que Colliguay, - palabra que designa un arbusto típico de la zona-, también quiere decir ‘Serpiente Roja’, en lengua nativa.

La casa principal, y también la casa de hospedaje


Frutales, aloe vera y lavandas


Josefina, Mano Espectral, Annick, Enlazador de Mundos Eléctrico y Katarina, Tormenta Magnética.


Seva Singh, Espejo Lunar


Los guardianes del Jardín de Paz de Colliguay: Josefina, Mano Espectral y Seva Singh, Espejo Lunar


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